Content Focus


Content Focus

First Grade

4-2/4-6-12 (Lesson 27)


·        Develop fluency with the 2-addend combinations of 10.

·        Solve a problem in which the total and one part are known.

·        Finding as many 2 –addend combinations of a number as possible.

·        Finding multiple solutions to a problem.

·        Reason about more, less, and equal amounts.


1 A 1 A, B, F, & I; 1 C 1, 2; 2 C 1 & 2



·        Phonics: Identify diphthongs ow/ ou; practice with phonograms –out-own-ound

·        Expand vocabulary: High-frequency words:

answered, baby, done, heard, pools, pushed, together

Robust vocabulary:  quivered, wailed, elated, lonesome, hopeless, scattered

Build fluency: Phonics Story: What Brad Found

Main selection: Ebb and Flo and the Baby Seal

Leveled readers: The Family and the Baby Whale/ Edmond and Drum and the Baby Turtles.

Spelling words:  how, cow, down, out, found, round, try, light, earth, table

·        Comprehension: Make inferences.

·        Grammar:  Use am, is, are.

·        Writing:  Write a book report.


1. A1 a, c, d, & f, 1 B4, 1C, 1, 2, & 4, 2B 1-3; 2C.2

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